Rare plant fact files

The Avon Gorge is considered to be one of the top three sites for rare plants in England. Over 30 nationally rare and scarce plants grow here. Click on the buttons below to read a fact file about each plant.

Autumn squill

Avon whitebeam

Bristol onion or round-headed leek

Bristol rock-cress

Bristol whitebeam

Compact brome

Dwarf sedge

English whitebeam

Grey-leaved whitebeam


Houston’s whitebeam


Proctor’s rowan

Round-leaved whitebeam

Western spiked speedwell

White’s whitebeam

Wilmott’s whitebeam

Photographs: Bristol rock-cress (© John Martin), Hutchinsia (© Ray Cotterell), Spiked speedwell (© Emma Davis). All other photos © Libby Houston, © Denice Stout, © Avon Gorge & Downs Wildlife Project and © Phil Jearey.