Avon Gorge & Downs Wildlife

The Avon Gorge, Clifton Down, Durdham Down and Leigh Woods are just a few miles from Bristol City Centre and yet they’re home to a wealth of wildlife. With stunning views, rare plants, ancient woodland, nesting peregrine falcons and awe-inspiring geology this is one of the most exciting places to see wildlife in Bristol.

Autumn’s arriving and with it a host of exciting sessions and events are coming up!

NoticeboardWhitebeam in the Gully

The summer meadow has now been cut for the year, and the hay removed. This prevents the grass from rotting back into the soil, which would make it too rich for our native wildflower species and we wait for our autumn ladies’ tresses to start emerging. Small patches of long meadow grass remain for invertebrates to over-winter in amongst the scrub patches.
“Both speakers passionate and extremely knowledgeable about the subject.” Guardians of the stream talk 2024
“Libby Houston had such great knowledge and experience of the area teamed with enthusiasm.” Scrambling among botanical jewels 2024
“Very experienced and informative leader.” Tweet talk birdsong workshop 2024
“…excellent and welcoming, really enjoyed it and have booked again.” Little kids on the Downs 2024
“Clare knew where to go, how long it would take and had made 5 fantastic stories.” Saints, sinners and false diamonds 2024
Very good educational information given by our knowledgable and friendly guide.” Deep dive into the Downs 2024
Participants looking up at bats in the night sky
We have fabulous autumn events coming up:
– a discovery Bat walk & talk at the CEC & on Clifton Down.
– a workshop on the rare Whitebeams of the Avon Gorge at the Botanic Gardens & Gully.
Little kids on the Downs – our pre-schooler nature club starts again for the autumn term!
– our yearly Owl Prowl takes place in October with a pellet dissection amongst other fun.
– back again due to popular demand – our unique Downs Storywalk with Clare Reddaway.

Book now on our What’s On page for autumn 2024 events.

Discover our fabulous wildlife and geology in this section.

Explore our discovery walks, wildlife talks, in-depth courses, exciting children’s and family events that we run throughout the year.

Find out about the fantastic learning opportunities available on both sides of the Avon Gorge.

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Avon Gorge & Downs Wildlife is a partnership of Bristol City Council, Natural England, the Society of Merchant Venturers, Downs Committee, University of Bristol, Bristol Zoological Society, National Trust and Forestry England.

Photographs: Juvenile peregrine facing forward (© Sam Coppard), Buttercups on the Downs (© Simon Muir), Spiked speedwell (© Libby Houston), Meadow on the Downs (© Denice Stout), Adult peregrine falcon (© Helen Hall). All other photos © Avon Gorge & Downs Wildlife Project and © Phil Jearey.