Community groups

On the Bristol side of the Avon Gorge and on the Downs, our education team education team are working to create opportunities to enable people of all ages and backgrounds to discover, learn more about and enjoy the wildlife and landscape of the site. We have worked with a wide range of groups, offering talks, guided walks and longer-term programmes.

Previous projects

We have worked with refugee families, children facing family challenges and enabled children from schools and playschemes in socially deprived areas of the city to come to the Avon Gorge and Downs. We have also run guided walks and events in partnership with a wide range of organisations such as: the Bristol City Council Inner City Health Improvement Team; Family Centre (Deaf Children); Young Carers; Link-Age; the Heartful Dodgers (people recovering from heart attacks and strokes from Southmead Hospital) and Headway (a charity that works with people recovering from brain injury).

Walks & guided tours

If you would like us to give your group a talk about the wildlife of the Avon Gorge and Downs or would like to come on a guided tour, please get in touch (details below).

Group of people walking in meadow on the Downs

All photographs © Avon Gorge & Downs Wildlife Project.