Spring is definitely arriving on the Downs and Avon Gorge – a fantastic time to explore our extraordinary wildlife!
We are funded by the Society of Merchant Venturers, Bristol Zoological Society and the Nisbet Trust
Nurture Bristol’s Nature

- Little kids on the Downs – our pre-schooler nature club continues for a beautiful spring term on 12th March.
- Back again by popular demand – our brilliant Birdsong ID workshop Tweet Talk with Ed Drewitt on 25th March!
- We’ll be Scrambling among botanical jewels as we discover the rare flowering species with our Avon Gorge botanical expert on 5th April.
- Bookings have now opened for our exciting children’s holiday nature club session Spring into Easter on 8th April.
- It’s breakfast time with Mike Dilger and time to revel in the Dawn Chorus Spectacular with our Downs birds taking place on 12th April.
- Explore the stunning blossom on the Granny Downs trees in Tapestry of Trees – a gentle stroll through this little known gem on 26th April.

Avon Gorge & Downs Wildlife
The Avon Gorge, Clifton Down, Durdham Down and Leigh Woods are just a few miles from Bristol City Centre and yet they’re home to a wealth of wildlife. With stunning views, rare plants, ancient woodland, nesting peregrine falcons and awe-inspiring geology this is one of the most exciting places to see wildlife in Bristol.
Explore our discovery walks, wildlife talks, in-depth courses, exciting children’s and family events that we run throughout the year.
Find out about the fantastic learning opportunities available on the Downs and in the Avon Gorge.
Avon Gorge & Downs Wildlife is a partnership of Bristol City Council, Natural England, the Society of Merchant Venturers, Downs Committee, University of Bristol, Bristol Zoological Society, National Trust and Forestry England.

Photographs: View of Avon Gorge (© Pip Brunt), (Juvenile peregrine facing forward (© Sam Coppard), Buttercups on the Downs (© Simon Muir), Spiked speedwell (© Libby Houston), Meadow on the Downs (© Denice Stout), Adult peregrine falcon (© Helen Hall), Bullfinch (© Kathi Held), Goats (© Derek Caterall). All other photos © Avon Gorge & Downs Wildlife Project and © Phil Jearey.