Grey-leaved whitebeam
Scientific name: Sorbus porrigentiformis
Status: Nationally scarce.
Flowering time: Creamy white flowers May – June. Red berries from September – October.
Description: Smallish tree growing 5-10 metres tall with almost fan-shaped rich green leaves and small crimson fruits that are noticeably wider than long. Typically rooted into cliff crevices in carboniferous limestone.
Social history: Through its ability to hybridise with common whitebeam (Sorbus aria) this tree has played a crucial role in the evolution of many other Sorbus species. Its own origin is uncertain.
Taxonomy: Rosaceae (or rose) family.
Global and national distribution: Endemic to England and Wales.
Threats: Is subject to shading out by other larger tree species as it requires open, sunny sites.
Photographs: © Denice Stout, © Libby Houston.